driver.ErrSkip 424
// ErrSkip may be returned by some optional interfaces' methods to
// indicate at runtime that the fast path is unavailable and the sql
// package should continue as if the optional interface was not
// implemented. ErrSkip is only supported where explicitly
// documented.
var ErrSkip = errors.New("driver: skip fast-path; continue as if unimplemented")
gzip.ErrHeader 416
// ErrHeader is returned when reading GZIP data that has an invalid header.
var ErrHeader = errors.New("gzip: invalid header")
zlib.ErrHeader 416
// ErrHeader is returned when reading ZLIB data that has an invalid header.
var ErrHeader = errors.New("zlib: invalid header")
tar.ErrHeader 416
var ErrHeader = errors.New("archive/tar: invalid tar header")
fs.ErrPermission 410
// Generic file system errors.
// Errors returned by file systems can be tested against these errors
// using errors.Is.
var ErrPermission = errPermission()
os.ErrPermission 410
// Portable analogs of some common system call errors.
// Errors returned from this package may be tested against these errors
// with errors.Is.
var ErrPermission = fs.ErrPermission
rsa.ErrVerification 409
// ErrVerification represents a failure to verify a signature.
// It is deliberately vague to avoid adaptive attacks.
var ErrVerification = errors.New("crypto/rsa: verification error")
os.ErrClosed 408
// Portable analogs of some common system call errors.
// Errors returned from this package may be tested against these errors
// with errors.Is.
var ErrClosed = fs.ErrClosed
os.ErrExist 408
// Portable analogs of some common system call errors.
// Errors returned from this package may be tested against these errors
// with errors.Is.
var ErrExist = fs.ErrExist
syntax.ErrLarge 408
const ErrLarge = "expression too large"
zlib.ErrChecksum 408
// ErrChecksum is returned when reading ZLIB data that has an invalid checksum.
var ErrChecksum = errors.New("zlib: invalid checksum")
zip.ErrChecksum 408
var ErrChecksum = errors.New("zip: checksum error")
pkcs12.ErrDecryption 408
// ErrDecryption represents a failure to decrypt the input.
var ErrDecryption = errors.New("pkcs12: decryption error, incorrect padding")
fs.ErrInvalid 408
// Generic file system errors.
// Errors returned by file systems can be tested against these errors
// using errors.Is.
var ErrInvalid = errInvalid()
gzip.ErrChecksum 408
// ErrChecksum is returned when reading GZIP data that has an invalid checksum.
var ErrChecksum = errors.New("gzip: invalid checksum")
runtime.REG_ERR 408
const REG_ERR = C._REG_ERR
iotest.ErrTimeout 408
// ErrTimeout is a fake timeout error.
var ErrTimeout = errors.New("timeout")
httputil.ErrClosed 408
// Deprecated: No longer used.
var ErrClosed = &http.ProtocolError{ErrorString: "connection closed by user"}
image.ErrFormat 408
// ErrFormat indicates that decoding encountered an unknown format.
var ErrFormat = errors.New("image: unknown format")
exec.ErrDot 408
// ErrDot indicates that a path lookup resolved to an executable
// in the current directory due to ‘.’ being in the path, either
// implicitly or explicitly. See the package documentation for details.
// Note that functions in this package do not return ErrDot directly.
// Code should use errors.Is(err, ErrDot), not err == ErrDot,
// to test whether a returned error err is due to this condition.
var ErrDot = errors.New("cannot run executable found relative to current directory")
http.ErrHijacked 408
// Errors used by the HTTP server.
// ErrHijacked is returned by ResponseWriter.Write calls when
// the underlying connection has been hijacked using the
// Hijacker interface. A zero-byte write on a hijacked
// connection will return ErrHijacked without any other side
// effects.
var ErrHijacked = errors.New("http: connection has been hijacked")
flag.ErrHelp 408
// ErrHelp is the error returned if the -help or -h flag is invoked
// but no such flag is defined.
var ErrHelp = errors.New("flag: help requested")
csv.ErrQuote 408
// These are the errors that can be returned in ParseError.Err.
var ErrQuote = errors.New("extraneous or missing \" in quoted-field")
syslog.LOG_ERR 408
const LOG_ERR = iota
rsa.ErrDecryption 408
// ErrDecryption represents a failure to decrypt a message.
// It is deliberately vague to avoid adaptive attacks.
var ErrDecryption = errors.New("crypto/rsa: decryption error")
fs.ErrExist 408
// Generic file system errors.
// Errors returned by file systems can be tested against these errors
// using errors.Is.
var ErrExist = errExist()
zlib.ErrDictionary 408
// ErrDictionary is returned when reading ZLIB data that has an invalid dictionary.
var ErrDictionary = errors.New("zlib: invalid dictionary")
strconv.ErrRange 408
// ErrRange indicates that a value is out of range for the target type.
var ErrRange = errors.New("value out of range")
hex.ErrLength 408
// ErrLength reports an attempt to decode an odd-length input
// using Decode or DecodeString.
// The stream-based Decoder returns io.ErrUnexpectedEOF instead of ErrLength.
var ErrLength = errors.New("encoding/hex: odd length hex string")
fs.ErrClosed 408
// Generic file system errors.
// Errors returned by file systems can be tested against these errors
// using errors.Is.
var ErrClosed = errClosed()
runtime.REG_ERR 408
const REG_ERR = C._REG_ERR
rpc.ErrShutdown 408
var ErrShutdown = errors.New("connection is shut down")