// Reader is a global, shared instance of a cryptographically
// secure random number generator.
// On Linux, FreeBSD, Dragonfly and Solaris, Reader uses getrandom(2) if
// available, /dev/urandom otherwise.
// On OpenBSD and macOS, Reader uses getentropy(2).
// On other Unix-like systems, Reader reads from /dev/urandom.
// On Windows systems, Reader uses the RtlGenRandom API.
// On Wasm, Reader uses the Web Crypto API.
var Reader io.Reader
// Int returns a uniform random value in [0, max). It panics if max <= 0.
func Int(rand io.Reader, max *big.Int) (n *big.Int, err error)
// Prime returns a number of the given bit length that is prime with high probability.
// Prime will return error for any error returned by rand.Read or if bits < 2.
func Prime(rand io.Reader, bits int) (*big.Int, error)
// Read is a helper function that calls Reader.Read using io.ReadFull.
// On return, n == len(b) if and only if err == nil.
func Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)