// ASN.1 class types represent the namespace of the tag.
const ClassApplication = 1
// ASN.1 class types represent the namespace of the tag.
const ClassContextSpecific = 2
// ASN.1 class types represent the namespace of the tag.
const ClassPrivate = 3
// ASN.1 class types represent the namespace of the tag.
const ClassUniversal = 0
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagBMPString = 30
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagBitString = 3
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagBoolean = 1
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagEnum = 10
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagGeneralString = 27
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagGeneralizedTime = 24
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagIA5String = 22
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagInteger = 2
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagNull = 5
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagNumericString = 18
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagOID = 6
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagOctetString = 4
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagPrintableString = 19
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagSequence = 16
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagSet = 17
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagT61String = 20
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagUTCTime = 23
// ASN.1 tags represent the type of the following object.
const TagUTF8String = 12
// NullBytes contains bytes representing the DER-encoded ASN.1 NULL type.
var NullBytes = []byte{TagNull, 0}
// NullRawValue is a RawValue with its Tag set to the ASN.1 NULL type tag (5).
var NullRawValue = RawValue{Tag: TagNull}
// Marshal returns the ASN.1 encoding of val.
// In addition to the struct tags recognised by Unmarshal, the following can be
// used:
// ia5: causes strings to be marshaled as ASN.1, IA5String values
// omitempty: causes empty slices to be skipped
// printable: causes strings to be marshaled as ASN.1, PrintableString values
// utf8: causes strings to be marshaled as ASN.1, UTF8String values
// utc: causes time.Time to be marshaled as ASN.1, UTCTime values
// generalized: causes time.Time to be marshaled as ASN.1, GeneralizedTime values
func Marshal(val any) ([]byte, error)
// MarshalWithParams allows field parameters to be specified for the
// top-level element. The form of the params is the same as the field tags.
func MarshalWithParams(val any, params string) ([]byte, error)
// Unmarshal parses the DER-encoded ASN.1 data structure b
// and uses the reflect package to fill in an arbitrary value pointed at by val.
// Because Unmarshal uses the reflect package, the structs
// being written to must use upper case field names. If val
// is nil or not a pointer, Unmarshal returns an error.
// After parsing b, any bytes that were leftover and not used to fill
// val will be returned in rest. When parsing a SEQUENCE into a struct,
// any trailing elements of the SEQUENCE that do not have matching
// fields in val will not be included in rest, as these are considered
// valid elements of the SEQUENCE and not trailing data.
// An ASN.1 INTEGER can be written to an int, int32, int64,
// or *big.Int (from the math/big package).
// If the encoded value does not fit in the Go type,
// Unmarshal returns a parse error.
// An ASN.1 BIT STRING can be written to a BitString.
// An ASN.1 OCTET STRING can be written to a []byte.
// An ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER can be written to an
// ObjectIdentifier.
// An ASN.1 ENUMERATED can be written to an Enumerated.
// An ASN.1 UTCTIME or GENERALIZEDTIME can be written to a time.Time.
// An ASN.1 PrintableString, IA5String, or NumericString can be written to a string.
// Any of the above ASN.1 values can be written to an interface{}.
// The value stored in the interface has the corresponding Go type.
// For integers, that type is int64.
// An ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF x or SET OF x can be written
// to a slice if an x can be written to the slice's element type.
// An ASN.1 SEQUENCE or SET can be written to a struct
// if each of the elements in the sequence can be
// written to the corresponding element in the struct.
// The following tags on struct fields have special meaning to Unmarshal:
// application specifies that an APPLICATION tag is used
// private specifies that a PRIVATE tag is used
// default:x sets the default value for optional integer fields (only used if optional is also present)
// explicit specifies that an additional, explicit tag wraps the implicit one
// optional marks the field as ASN.1 OPTIONAL
// set causes a SET, rather than a SEQUENCE type to be expected
// tag:x specifies the ASN.1 tag number; implies ASN.1 CONTEXT SPECIFIC
// When decoding an ASN.1 value with an IMPLICIT tag into a string field,
// Unmarshal will default to a PrintableString, which doesn't support
// characters such as '@' and '&'. To force other encodings, use the following
// tags:
// ia5 causes strings to be unmarshaled as ASN.1 IA5String values
// numeric causes strings to be unmarshaled as ASN.1 NumericString values
// utf8 causes strings to be unmarshaled as ASN.1 UTF8String values
// If the type of the first field of a structure is RawContent then the raw
// ASN1 contents of the struct will be stored in it.
// If the name of a slice type ends with "SET" then it's treated as if
// the "set" tag was set on it. This results in interpreting the type as a
// SET OF x rather than a SEQUENCE OF x. This can be used with nested slices
// where a struct tag cannot be given.
// Other ASN.1 types are not supported; if it encounters them,
// Unmarshal returns a parse error.
func Unmarshal(b []byte, val any) (rest []byte, err error)
// UnmarshalWithParams allows field parameters to be specified for the
// top-level element. The form of the params is the same as the field tags.
func UnmarshalWithParams(b []byte, val any, params string) (rest []byte, err error)