// Formatter is implemented by any value that has a Format method.
// The implementation controls how State and rune are interpreted,
// and may call Sprint(f) or Fprint(f) etc. to generate its output.
type Formatter interface {
Format(f State, verb rune)
// GoStringer is implemented by any value that has a GoString method,
// which defines the Go syntax for that value.
// The GoString method is used to print values passed as an operand
// to a %#v format.
type GoStringer interface {
GoString() string
// ScanState represents the scanner state passed to custom scanners.
// Scanners may do rune-at-a-time scanning or ask the ScanState
// to discover the next space-delimited token.
type ScanState interface {
// ReadRune reads the next rune (Unicode code point) from the input.
// If invoked during Scanln, Fscanln, or Sscanln, ReadRune() will
// return EOF after returning the first '\n' or when reading beyond
// the specified width.
ReadRune() (r rune, size int, err error)
// UnreadRune causes the next call to ReadRune to return the same rune.
UnreadRune() error
// SkipSpace skips space in the input. Newlines are treated appropriately
// for the operation being performed; see the package documentation
// for more information.
// Token skips space in the input if skipSpace is true, then returns the
// run of Unicode code points c satisfying f(c). If f is nil,
// !unicode.IsSpace(c) is used; that is, the token will hold non-space
// characters. Newlines are treated appropriately for the operation being
// performed; see the package documentation for more information.
// The returned slice points to shared data that may be overwritten
// by the next call to Token, a call to a Scan function using the ScanState
// as input, or when the calling Scan method returns.
Token(skipSpace bool, f func(rune) bool) (token []byte, err error)
// Width returns the value of the width option and whether it has been set.
// The unit is Unicode code points.
Width() (wid int, ok bool)
// Because ReadRune is implemented by the interface, Read should never be
// called by the scanning routines and a valid implementation of
// ScanState may choose always to return an error from Read.
Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error)
// Scanner is implemented by any value that has a Scan method, which scans
// the input for the representation of a value and stores the result in the
// receiver, which must be a pointer to be useful. The Scan method is called
// for any argument to Scan, Scanf, or Scanln that implements it.
type Scanner interface {
Scan(state ScanState, verb rune) error
// State represents the printer state passed to custom formatters.
// It provides access to the io.Writer interface plus information about
// the flags and options for the operand's format specifier.
type State interface {
// Write is the function to call to emit formatted output to be printed.
Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)
// Width returns the value of the width option and whether it has been set.
Width() (wid int, ok bool)
// Precision returns the value of the precision option and whether it has been set.
Precision() (prec int, ok bool)
// Flag reports whether the flag c, a character, has been set.
Flag(c int) bool
// Stringer is implemented by any value that has a String method,
// which defines the “native” format for that value.
// The String method is used to print values passed as an operand
// to any format that accepts a string or to an unformatted printer
// such as Print.
type Stringer interface {
String() string
// Append formats using the default formats for its operands, appends the result to
// the byte slice, and returns the updated slice.
func Append(b []byte, a ...any) []byte
// Appendf formats according to a format specifier, appends the result to the byte
// slice, and returns the updated slice.
func Appendf(b []byte, format string, a ...any) []byte
// Appendln formats using the default formats for its operands, appends the result
// to the byte slice, and returns the updated slice. Spaces are always added
// between operands and a newline is appended.
func Appendln(b []byte, a ...any) []byte
// Errorf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string as a
// value that satisfies error.
// If the format specifier includes a %w verb with an error operand,
// the returned error will implement an Unwrap method returning the operand.
// If there is more than one %w verb, the returned error will implement an
// Unwrap method returning a []error containing all the %w operands in the
// order they appear in the arguments.
// It is invalid to supply the %w verb with an operand that does not implement
// the error interface. The %w verb is otherwise a synonym for %v.
func Errorf(format string, a ...any) error
// FormatString returns a string representing the fully qualified formatting
// directive captured by the State, followed by the argument verb. (State does not
// itself contain the verb.) The result has a leading percent sign followed by any
// flags, the width, and the precision. Missing flags, width, and precision are
// omitted. This function allows a Formatter to reconstruct the original
// directive triggering the call to Format.
func FormatString(state State, verb rune) string
// Fprint formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to w.
// Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func Fprint(w io.Writer, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Fprintf formats according to a format specifier and writes to w.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Fprintln formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to w.
// Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Fscan scans text read from r, storing successive space-separated
// values into successive arguments. Newlines count as space. It
// returns the number of items successfully scanned. If that is less
// than the number of arguments, err will report why.
func Fscan(r io.Reader, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Fscanf scans text read from r, storing successive space-separated
// values into successive arguments as determined by the format. It
// returns the number of items successfully parsed.
// Newlines in the input must match newlines in the format.
func Fscanf(r io.Reader, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Fscanln is similar to Fscan, but stops scanning at a newline and
// after the final item there must be a newline or EOF.
func Fscanln(r io.Reader, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Print formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to standard output.
// Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func Print(a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func Printf(format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to standard output.
// Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func Println(a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Scan scans text read from standard input, storing successive
// space-separated values into successive arguments. Newlines count
// as space. It returns the number of items successfully scanned.
// If that is less than the number of arguments, err will report why.
func Scan(a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Scanf scans text read from standard input, storing successive
// space-separated values into successive arguments as determined by
// the format. It returns the number of items successfully scanned.
// If that is less than the number of arguments, err will report why.
// Newlines in the input must match newlines in the format.
// The one exception: the verb %c always scans the next rune in the
// input, even if it is a space (or tab etc.) or newline.
func Scanf(format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Scanln is similar to Scan, but stops scanning at a newline and
// after the final item there must be a newline or EOF.
func Scanln(a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Sprint formats using the default formats for its operands and returns the resulting string.
// Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
func Sprint(a ...any) string
// Sprintf formats according to a format specifier and returns the resulting string.
func Sprintf(format string, a ...any) string
// Sprintln formats using the default formats for its operands and returns the resulting string.
// Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended.
func Sprintln(a ...any) string
// Sscan scans the argument string, storing successive space-separated
// values into successive arguments. Newlines count as space. It
// returns the number of items successfully scanned. If that is less
// than the number of arguments, err will report why.
func Sscan(str string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Sscanf scans the argument string, storing successive space-separated
// values into successive arguments as determined by the format. It
// returns the number of items successfully parsed.
// Newlines in the input must match newlines in the format.
func Sscanf(str string, format string, a ...any) (n int, err error)
// Sscanln is similar to Sscan, but stops scanning at a newline and
// after the final item there must be a newline or EOF.
func Sscanln(str string, a ...any) (n int, err error)