// DefaultACMEDirectory is the default ACME Directory URL used when the Manager's Client is nil.
const DefaultACMEDirectory = ""
// ErrCacheMiss is returned when a certificate is not found in cache.
var ErrCacheMiss = errors.New("acme/autocert: certificate cache miss")
// Cache is used by Manager to store and retrieve previously obtained certificates
// and other account data as opaque blobs.
// Cache implementations should not rely on the key naming pattern. Keys can
// include any printable ASCII characters, except the following: \/:*?"<>|
type Cache interface {
// Get returns a certificate data for the specified key.
// If there's no such key, Get returns ErrCacheMiss.
Get(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]byte, error)
// Put stores the data in the cache under the specified key.
// Underlying implementations may use any data storage format,
// as long as the reverse operation, Get, results in the original data.
Put(ctx context.Context, key string, data []byte) error
// Delete removes a certificate data from the cache under the specified key.
// If there's no such key in the cache, Delete returns nil.
Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error
// AcceptTOS is a Manager.Prompt function that always returns true to
// indicate acceptance of the CA's Terms of Service during account
// registration.
func AcceptTOS(tosURL string) bool
// HostWhitelist returns a policy where only the specified host names are allowed.
// Only exact matches are currently supported. Subdomains, regexp or wildcard
// will not match.
// Note that all hosts will be converted to Punycode via idna.Lookup.ToASCII so that
// Manager.GetCertificate can handle the Unicode IDN and mixedcase hosts correctly.
// Invalid hosts will be silently ignored.
func HostWhitelist(hosts ...string) HostPolicy
// NewListener returns a net.Listener that listens on the standard TLS
// port (443) on all interfaces and returns *tls.Conn connections with
// LetsEncrypt certificates for the provided domain or domains.
// It enables one-line HTTPS servers:
// log.Fatal(http.Serve(autocert.NewListener(""), handler))
// NewListener is a convenience function for a common configuration.
// More complex or custom configurations can use the autocert.Manager
// type instead.
// Use of this function implies acceptance of the LetsEncrypt Terms of
// Service. If domains is not empty, the provided domains are passed
// to HostWhitelist. If domains is empty, the listener will do
// LetsEncrypt challenges for any requested domain, which is not
// recommended.
// Certificates are cached in a "golang-autocert" directory under an
// operating system-specific cache or temp directory. This may not
// be suitable for servers spanning multiple machines.
// The returned listener uses a *tls.Config that enables HTTP/2, and
// should only be used with servers that support HTTP/2.
// The returned Listener also enables TCP keep-alives on the accepted
// connections. The returned *tls.Conn are returned before their TLS
// handshake has completed.
func NewListener(domains ...string) net.Listener