// Overhead is the number of bytes of overhead when signing a message.
const Overhead = 64
// GenerateKey generates a new public/private key pair suitable for use with
// Sign and Open.
func GenerateKey(rand io.Reader) (publicKey *[32]byte, privateKey *[64]byte, err error)
// Open verifies a signed message produced by Sign and appends the message to
// out, which must not overlap the signed message. The output will be Overhead
// bytes smaller than the signed message.
func Open(out []byte, signedMessage []byte, publicKey *[32]byte) ([]byte, bool)
// Sign appends a signed copy of message to out, which will be Overhead bytes
// longer than the original and must not overlap it.
func Sign(out []byte, message []byte, privateKey *[64]byte) []byte