

// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const AACompromise = 10


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const AffiliationChanged = 3


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const CACompromise = 2


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const CertificateHold = 6


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const CessationOfOperation = 5


// The status values that can be expressed in OCSP. See RFC 6960. // Good means that the certificate is valid. const Good = iota


const InternalError = 2


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const KeyCompromise = 1


const Malformed = 1


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const PrivilegeWithdrawn = 9


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const RemoveFromCRL = 8


// The status values that can be expressed in OCSP. See RFC 6960. // Revoked means that the certificate has been deliberately revoked. const Revoked = iota


// The status values that can be expressed in OCSP. See RFC 6960. // ServerFailed is unused and was never used (see // https://go-review.googlesource.com/#/c/18944). ParseResponse will // return a ResponseError when an error response is parsed. const ServerFailed = iota


// Status code four is unused in OCSP. See // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960#section-4.2.1 const SignatureRequired = 5


const Success = 0


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const Superseded = 4


const TryLater = 3


const Unauthorized = 6


// The status values that can be expressed in OCSP. See RFC 6960. // Unknown means that the OCSP responder doesn't know about the certificate. const Unknown = iota


// The enumerated reasons for revoking a certificate. See RFC 5280. const Unspecified = 0


// These are pre-serialized error responses for the various non-success codes // defined by OCSP. The Unauthorized code in particular can be used by an OCSP // responder that supports only pre-signed responses as a response to requests // for certificates with unknown status. See RFC 5019. var InternalErrorErrorResponse = []byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x02}


// These are pre-serialized error responses for the various non-success codes // defined by OCSP. The Unauthorized code in particular can be used by an OCSP // responder that supports only pre-signed responses as a response to requests // for certificates with unknown status. See RFC 5019. var MalformedRequestErrorResponse = []byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x01}


// These are pre-serialized error responses for the various non-success codes // defined by OCSP. The Unauthorized code in particular can be used by an OCSP // responder that supports only pre-signed responses as a response to requests // for certificates with unknown status. See RFC 5019. var SigRequredErrorResponse = []byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x05}


// These are pre-serialized error responses for the various non-success codes // defined by OCSP. The Unauthorized code in particular can be used by an OCSP // responder that supports only pre-signed responses as a response to requests // for certificates with unknown status. See RFC 5019. var TryLaterErrorResponse = []byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x03}


// These are pre-serialized error responses for the various non-success codes // defined by OCSP. The Unauthorized code in particular can be used by an OCSP // responder that supports only pre-signed responses as a response to requests // for certificates with unknown status. See RFC 5019. var UnauthorizedErrorResponse = []byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x06}


// CreateRequest returns a DER-encoded, OCSP request for the status of cert. If // opts is nil then sensible defaults are used. func CreateRequest(cert *x509.Certificate, issuer *x509.Certificate, opts *RequestOptions) ([]byte, error)


// CreateResponse returns a DER-encoded OCSP response with the specified contents. // The fields in the response are populated as follows: // // The responder cert is used to populate the responder's name field, and the // certificate itself is provided alongside the OCSP response signature. // // The issuer cert is used to populate the IssuerNameHash and IssuerKeyHash fields. // // The template is used to populate the SerialNumber, Status, RevokedAt, // RevocationReason, ThisUpdate, and NextUpdate fields. // // If template.IssuerHash is not set, SHA1 will be used. // // The ProducedAt date is automatically set to the current date, to the nearest minute. func CreateResponse(issuer *x509.Certificate, responderCert *x509.Certificate, template Response, priv crypto.Signer) ([]byte, error)


// ParseRequest parses an OCSP request in DER form. It only supports // requests for a single certificate. Signed requests are not supported. // If a request includes a signature, it will result in a ParseError. func ParseRequest(bytes []byte) (*Request, error)


// ParseResponse parses an OCSP response in DER form. The response must contain // only one certificate status. To parse the status of a specific certificate // from a response which may contain multiple statuses, use ParseResponseForCert // instead. // // If the response contains an embedded certificate, then that certificate will // be used to verify the response signature. If the response contains an // embedded certificate and issuer is not nil, then issuer will be used to verify // the signature on the embedded certificate. // // If the response does not contain an embedded certificate and issuer is not // nil, then issuer will be used to verify the response signature. // // Invalid responses and parse failures will result in a ParseError. // Error responses will result in a ResponseError. func ParseResponse(bytes []byte, issuer *x509.Certificate) (*Response, error)


// ParseResponseForCert acts identically to ParseResponse, except it supports // parsing responses that contain multiple statuses. If the response contains // multiple statuses and cert is not nil, then ParseResponseForCert will return // the first status which contains a matching serial, otherwise it will return an // error. If cert is nil, then the first status in the response will be returned. func ParseResponseForCert(bytes []byte, cert *x509.Certificate, issuer *x509.Certificate) (*Response, error)