

// PublicSuffixList provides the public suffix of a domain. For example: // - the public suffix of "example.com" is "com", // - the public suffix of "foo1.foo2.foo3.co.uk" is "co.uk", and // - the public suffix of "bar.pvt.k12.ma.us" is "pvt.k12.ma.us". // // Implementations of PublicSuffixList must be safe for concurrent use by // multiple goroutines. // // An implementation that always returns "" is valid and may be useful for // testing but it is not secure: it means that the HTTP server for foo.com can // set a cookie for bar.com. // // A public suffix list implementation is in the package // golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix. type PublicSuffixList interface { // PublicSuffix returns the public suffix of domain. // // TODO: specify which of the caller and callee is responsible for IP // addresses, for leading and trailing dots, for case sensitivity, and // for IDN/Punycode. PublicSuffix(domain string) string // String returns a description of the source of this public suffix // list. The description will typically contain something like a time // stamp or version number. String() string }


// New returns a new cookie jar. A nil *Options is equivalent to a zero // Options. func New(o *Options) (*Jar, error)