// CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey returns the canonical format of the
// MIME header key s. The canonicalization converts the first
// letter and any letter following a hyphen to upper case;
// the rest are converted to lowercase. For example, the
// canonical key for "accept-encoding" is "Accept-Encoding".
// MIME header keys are assumed to be ASCII only.
// If s contains a space or invalid header field bytes, it is
// returned without modifications.
func CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(s string) string
// Dial connects to the given address on the given network using net.Dial
// and then returns a new Conn for the connection.
func Dial(network string, addr string) (*Conn, error)
// NewConn returns a new Conn using conn for I/O.
func NewConn(conn io.ReadWriteCloser) *Conn
// NewReader returns a new Reader reading from r.
// To avoid denial of service attacks, the provided bufio.Reader
// should be reading from an io.LimitReader or similar Reader to bound
// the size of responses.
func NewReader(r *bufio.Reader) *Reader
// NewWriter returns a new Writer writing to w.
func NewWriter(w *bufio.Writer) *Writer
// TrimBytes returns b without leading and trailing ASCII space.
func TrimBytes(b []byte) []byte
// TrimString returns s without leading and trailing ASCII space.
func TrimString(s string) string