// JoinPath returns a URL string with the provided path elements joined to
// the existing path of base and the resulting path cleaned of any ./ or ../ elements.
func JoinPath(base string, elem ...string) (result string, err error)
// Parse parses a raw url into a URL structure.
// The url may be relative (a path, without a host) or absolute
// (starting with a scheme). Trying to parse a hostname and path
// without a scheme is invalid but may not necessarily return an
// error, due to parsing ambiguities.
func Parse(rawURL string) (*URL, error)
// ParseQuery parses the URL-encoded query string and returns
// a map listing the values specified for each key.
// ParseQuery always returns a non-nil map containing all the
// valid query parameters found; err describes the first decoding error
// encountered, if any.
// Query is expected to be a list of key=value settings separated by ampersands.
// A setting without an equals sign is interpreted as a key set to an empty
// value.
// Settings containing a non-URL-encoded semicolon are considered invalid.
func ParseQuery(query string) (Values, error)
// ParseRequestURI parses a raw url into a URL structure. It assumes that
// url was received in an HTTP request, so the url is interpreted
// only as an absolute URI or an absolute path.
// The string url is assumed not to have a #fragment suffix.
// (Web browsers strip #fragment before sending the URL to a web server.)
func ParseRequestURI(rawURL string) (*URL, error)
// PathEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed inside a URL path segment,
// replacing special characters (including /) with %XX sequences as needed.
func PathEscape(s string) string
// PathUnescape does the inverse transformation of PathEscape,
// converting each 3-byte encoded substring of the form "%AB" into the
// hex-decoded byte 0xAB. It returns an error if any % is not followed
// by two hexadecimal digits.
// PathUnescape is identical to QueryUnescape except that it does not
// unescape '+' to ' ' (space).
func PathUnescape(s string) (string, error)
// QueryEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed
// inside a URL query.
func QueryEscape(s string) string
// QueryUnescape does the inverse transformation of QueryEscape,
// converting each 3-byte encoded substring of the form "%AB" into the
// hex-decoded byte 0xAB.
// It returns an error if any % is not followed by two hexadecimal
// digits.
func QueryUnescape(s string) (string, error)
// User returns a Userinfo containing the provided username
// and no password set.
func User(username string) *Userinfo
// UserPassword returns a Userinfo containing the provided username
// and password.
// This functionality should only be used with legacy web sites.
// RFC 2396 warns that interpreting Userinfo this way
// “is NOT RECOMMENDED, because the passing of authentication
// information in clear text (such as URI) has proven to be a
// security risk in almost every case where it has been used.”
func UserPassword(username string, password string) *Userinfo