

// FreeOSMemory forces a garbage collection followed by an // attempt to return as much memory to the operating system // as possible. (Even if this is not called, the runtime gradually // returns memory to the operating system in a background task.) func FreeOSMemory()


func ParseBuildInfo(data string) (bi *BuildInfo, err error)


// PrintStack prints to standard error the stack trace returned by runtime.Stack. func PrintStack()


// ReadBuildInfo returns the build information embedded // in the running binary. The information is available only // in binaries built with module support. func ReadBuildInfo() (info *BuildInfo, ok bool)


// ReadGCStats reads statistics about garbage collection into stats. // The number of entries in the pause history is system-dependent; // stats.Pause slice will be reused if large enough, reallocated otherwise. // ReadGCStats may use the full capacity of the stats.Pause slice. // If stats.PauseQuantiles is non-empty, ReadGCStats fills it with quantiles // summarizing the distribution of pause time. For example, if // len(stats.PauseQuantiles) is 5, it will be filled with the minimum, // 25%, 50%, 75%, and maximum pause times. func ReadGCStats(stats *GCStats)


// SetGCPercent sets the garbage collection target percentage: // a collection is triggered when the ratio of freshly allocated data // to live data remaining after the previous collection reaches this percentage. // SetGCPercent returns the previous setting. // The initial setting is the value of the GOGC environment variable // at startup, or 100 if the variable is not set. // This setting may be effectively reduced in order to maintain a memory // limit. // A negative percentage effectively disables garbage collection, unless // the memory limit is reached. // See SetMemoryLimit for more details. func SetGCPercent(percent int) int


// SetMaxStack sets the maximum amount of memory that // can be used by a single goroutine stack. // If any goroutine exceeds this limit while growing its stack, // the program crashes. // SetMaxStack returns the previous setting. // The initial setting is 1 GB on 64-bit systems, 250 MB on 32-bit systems. // There may be a system-imposed maximum stack limit regardless // of the value provided to SetMaxStack. // // SetMaxStack is useful mainly for limiting the damage done by // goroutines that enter an infinite recursion. It only limits future // stack growth. func SetMaxStack(bytes int) int


// SetMaxThreads sets the maximum number of operating system // threads that the Go program can use. If it attempts to use more than // this many, the program crashes. // SetMaxThreads returns the previous setting. // The initial setting is 10,000 threads. // // The limit controls the number of operating system threads, not the number // of goroutines. A Go program creates a new thread only when a goroutine // is ready to run but all the existing threads are blocked in system calls, cgo calls, // or are locked to other goroutines due to use of runtime.LockOSThread. // // SetMaxThreads is useful mainly for limiting the damage done by // programs that create an unbounded number of threads. The idea is // to take down the program before it takes down the operating system. func SetMaxThreads(threads int) int


// SetMemoryLimit provides the runtime with a soft memory limit. // // The runtime undertakes several processes to try to respect this // memory limit, including adjustments to the frequency of garbage // collections and returning memory to the underlying system more // aggressively. This limit will be respected even if GOGC=off (or, // if SetGCPercent(-1) is executed). // // The input limit is provided as bytes, and includes all memory // mapped, managed, and not released by the Go runtime. Notably, it // does not account for space used by the Go binary and memory // external to Go, such as memory managed by the underlying system // on behalf of the process, or memory managed by non-Go code inside // the same process. Examples of excluded memory sources include: OS // kernel memory held on behalf of the process, memory allocated by // C code, and memory mapped by syscall.Mmap (because it is not // managed by the Go runtime). // // More specifically, the following expression accurately reflects // the value the runtime attempts to maintain as the limit: // // runtime.MemStats.Sys - runtime.MemStats.HeapReleased // // or in terms of the runtime/metrics package: // // /memory/classes/total:bytes - /memory/classes/heap/released:bytes // // A zero limit or a limit that's lower than the amount of memory // used by the Go runtime may cause the garbage collector to run // nearly continuously. However, the application may still make // progress. // // The memory limit is always respected by the Go runtime, so to // effectively disable this behavior, set the limit very high. // math.MaxInt64 is the canonical value for disabling the limit, // but values much greater than the available memory on the underlying // system work just as well. // // See https://go.dev/doc/gc-guide for a detailed guide explaining // the soft memory limit in more detail, as well as a variety of common // use-cases and scenarios. // // The initial setting is math.MaxInt64 unless the GOMEMLIMIT // environment variable is set, in which case it provides the initial // setting. GOMEMLIMIT is a numeric value in bytes with an optional // unit suffix. The supported suffixes include B, KiB, MiB, GiB, and // TiB. These suffixes represent quantities of bytes as defined by // the IEC 80000-13 standard. That is, they are based on powers of // two: KiB means 2^10 bytes, MiB means 2^20 bytes, and so on. // // SetMemoryLimit returns the previously set memory limit. // A negative input does not adjust the limit, and allows for // retrieval of the currently set memory limit. func SetMemoryLimit(limit int64) int64


// SetPanicOnFault controls the runtime's behavior when a program faults // at an unexpected (non-nil) address. Such faults are typically caused by // bugs such as runtime memory corruption, so the default response is to crash // the program. Programs working with memory-mapped files or unsafe // manipulation of memory may cause faults at non-nil addresses in less // dramatic situations; SetPanicOnFault allows such programs to request // that the runtime trigger only a panic, not a crash. // The runtime.Error that the runtime panics with may have an additional method: // // Addr() uintptr // // If that method exists, it returns the memory address which triggered the fault. // The results of Addr are best-effort and the veracity of the result // may depend on the platform. // SetPanicOnFault applies only to the current goroutine. // It returns the previous setting. func SetPanicOnFault(enabled bool) bool


// SetTraceback sets the amount of detail printed by the runtime in // the traceback it prints before exiting due to an unrecovered panic // or an internal runtime error. // The level argument takes the same values as the GOTRACEBACK // environment variable. For example, SetTraceback("all") ensure // that the program prints all goroutines when it crashes. // See the package runtime documentation for details. // If SetTraceback is called with a level lower than that of the // environment variable, the call is ignored. func SetTraceback(level string)


// Stack returns a formatted stack trace of the goroutine that calls it. // It calls runtime.Stack with a large enough buffer to capture the entire trace. func Stack() []byte


// WriteHeapDump writes a description of the heap and the objects in // it to the given file descriptor. // // WriteHeapDump suspends the execution of all goroutines until the heap // dump is completely written. Thus, the file descriptor must not be // connected to a pipe or socket whose other end is in the same Go // process; instead, use a temporary file or network socket. // // The heap dump format is defined at https://golang.org/s/go15heapdump. func WriteHeapDump(fd uintptr)