

// A Generator can generate random values of its own type. type Generator interface { // Generate returns a random instance of the type on which it is a // method using the size as a size hint. Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value }


// Check looks for an input to f, any function that returns bool, // such that f returns false. It calls f repeatedly, with arbitrary // values for each argument. If f returns false on a given input, // Check returns that input as a *CheckError. // For example: // // func TestOddMultipleOfThree(t *testing.T) { // f := func(x int) bool { // y := OddMultipleOfThree(x) // return y%2 == 1 && y%3 == 0 // } // if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil { // t.Error(err) // } // } func Check(f any, config *Config) error


// CheckEqual looks for an input on which f and g return different results. // It calls f and g repeatedly with arbitrary values for each argument. // If f and g return different answers, CheckEqual returns a *CheckEqualError // describing the input and the outputs. func CheckEqual(f any, g any, config *Config) error


// Value returns an arbitrary value of the given type. // If the type implements the Generator interface, that will be used. // Note: To create arbitrary values for structs, all the fields must be exported. func Value(t reflect.Type, rand *rand.Rand) (value reflect.Value, ok bool)