

// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character. const Char = iota


// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character. const Comment = iota


// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character. const EOF = iota


// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character. const Float = iota


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const GoTokens = ScanIdents | ScanFloats | ScanChars | ScanStrings | ScanRawStrings | ScanComments | SkipComments


// GoWhitespace is the default value for the Scanner's Whitespace field. // Its value selects Go's white space characters. const GoWhitespace = 1<<'\t' | 1<<'\n' | 1<<'\r' | 1<<' '


// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character. const Ident = iota


// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character. const Int = iota


// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character. const RawString = iota


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const ScanChars = 1 << -Char


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const ScanComments = 1 << -Comment


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const ScanFloats = 1 << -Float


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const ScanIdents = 1 << -Ident


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const ScanInts = 1 << -Int


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const ScanRawStrings = 1 << -RawString


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const ScanStrings = 1 << -String


// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance, // to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers, // integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to: // // ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments // // With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is // set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply // returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens). // For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string // "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'. // // Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go // literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped. const SkipComments = 1 << -skipComment


// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character. const String = iota


// TokenString returns a printable string for a token or Unicode character. func TokenString(tok rune) string